Saturday, January 21, 2012

166 Days, but who's counting?

Remember that scene from Harry Potter?  The one where the letters for Harry start coming though every open space in the Dursley's house?  I actually dreamed something similar the other night.  My 'to do' lists for moving to Seoul kept getting longer and longer..I'd mark one thing off and two things would apperate onto the page in its place.  Not cool. 

I've often thought it'd be cool to be Molley Weasley.  These 'to do' things would sure get finished faster.  Bewitch a mop here, a feather duster over there.  Send Howlers to the boys when they don't do what I ask them to do! 

I find myself walking through my house wondering what I can't live with out, what I need to take with me.  I know I'll want a few 'pieces of home' in our new apartment.  I know there are a lot of things in this house I can totally live without.  It's really hard to let things go, though.  After all, I was raised by a Mother (Lois), who was raised by a Mother (Bertha) who lived through the Great Depression.  You save stuff.  You might use it later.  If you do get rid of it, you better get some money out of it! And, put it in a sock in a potted plastic plant for safe keeping!

We have 166 days before lift off.  That's 18 weekends.  I get on the school website often to keep myself motivated.  Main things to do:  Sell our house, get rid of a lot of "sh..stuff" not only at home, but both of our classrooms, and get all our finances in order.  Did I mention selling our house?  Ugh.

The main key to my sanity is to have all my boys helping.  So far, so good.  However, this weekend, so far, we have only crossed off 2 things.  1. Passport/Work Visa Photos 2. For Sale By Owner signs for the house. 

That is not enough.  I did buy two new books for my Kindle:  Living and Working in South Korea:  An Anecdotal Guide for TEFL Teachers and Etiquette Guide to Korea

AND, I learned it's not such a big deal to fart and scratch certain places in public.  AND, did you know that the 14th of every month is dedicated to working on your relationship?  So, on July 14, the first 14th we'll celebrate over there, Tre will need to buy me something silver.  I love silver!  It's fate!

My new favorite quote is also from the Living and Working in South Korea book.  "Man cannot discover new oceans, unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore." ~ Andre Gide, French writer, humanist, and moralist.

Gotta love the French.

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