Friday was the last day of school for the students. That was not easy. I almost wish I was leaving because I hate my job. That the kids where horrible. But, I don't and they're not. Truth is, I loved it here. I loved my kids. Not everyday, but most days. They are a special group and I'm honored to have taught them.
We've been crazy busy. The house is almost all packed up. We had a killer garage sale last weekend. We sold tons of stuff. Of course, we sold enough to bring more out of the house for another garage sale...June 2 & 3. Be there!
I'm proving to myself I am definitely no hoarder! I'd like to get a small storage unit to house the stuff we're keeping. It's really kind of nice. That way, when we do move back to the states, we can have matching stuff, not such an eclectic mix of things. I think I deserve it after 20 years of marriage!
We have a couple interested in the house. We're praying they buy it. We've hesitated putting it on the market because we want to sell it for a decent price and quickly. So, we'll see how the week goes. If they don't give us an offer this week, it'll be on the market. Another experience to learn from.
The kids are back in the same room. Zane's bed and dresser sold. He was so bummed that there wasn't anything left in his room, he moved his mattress onto the floor of Quade's room. They have such few toys anymore, they really don't have much to pack. Zane wants to bring his Legos, Quade wants to take his PSP and games. So, guess we'll be sending the Legos over to as soon as we can. Along with deoderant, razors, sheets, and our ski jackets! We'll have to do a dry run on packing our suitcases and then seeing how many suitcases we can put in our car and still have room for the children!
We are all set to move! We have our visas and our flight itinerary. Looks like we'll be leaving July 5! We've been corresponding w/ several teachers that are already working at KIS. They've been wonderful and such resources of what to take, what to leave here, and such anticipation for our arrival!
I have 2 days of school left. It's going to be challenging to keep it together. I'll be leaving my close friends. Women who have been with me and loved me through so much in the last year. Leaving my sister, who's lived closer to me in the last few years than ever. It's going to be tough leaving this place. The beautiful landscape that my Daddy loved so much. I've felt closer to him, living here, than I did living in Oklahoma. But, like Scarlett, I'm not going to think about it right now. My glass of wine is gone. (How'd that happen?) And, afterall, tomorrow is another day and I've got some more packing to do!